Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tea Time: For the Time of Your Life, and Theirs . . .

When I was a child, my mom gave her children a priceless gift—her time. Back in those days, it was unheard of for a mom to take time in the afternoon to have tea and cookies with her children when they arrived home from school. Most moms were either at work or were too busy with other things, but my mom made time—and what a time we had! She would take down the sunny yellow teapot and prepare tea or hot chocolate. She'd have a plate of cookies (usually animal crackers) there on the kitchen table along with favorite teacups for each of us. We would tell her about our day, and she'd listen and smile, offering comments when needed. To this day, the ritual of having a cup of tea and animal crackers or cookies is so very comforting to me, and how I appreciate her gift!

As you all work together on a unit study, try to make a special time of reading together. Whether around the fireplace or circling the kitchen table, this is a wonderful opportunity to slow things down, grab the children’s attention, and create some wonderful memories. To make that time together special, I suggest you try to have tea or cocoa and cookies while you are reading to them. As you read and discuss the book at hand, they get to savor some thoughts as well as special treats. This simple routine gives them something to look forward to and provides you all with some time to regularly get together and read and talk and share—a blessing for today and for their future.

Take the time to make some memories. It is too easy to get in the habit of marking time, tearing off days on the calendar. And by the way, thanks for the memories, Mom!

Why not try some of our Tea Time Ideas (taken from Passport Geography United Kingdom)


Amanda B.

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