Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's New?

First, what on earth is Pinterest, and why is everyone talking about it? Let me say that this has to be one of the best social media ideas ever created for homeschool moms! J Let me share what I’ve learned so far, and here’s my Pinterest page if you would like to take a look around.

What if you could take a quick virtual tour of all the ideas that you’ve ever seen for your schoolroom, from the comfort of your sofa? Or what if I could take you through some of the places that we’ll be visiting with the new Passport titles, giving you and your crew a taste of the fun and learning they are about to experience?

Welcome to Pinterest, the newest generation of social media that is turning the world on its side and letting people build visual collections for all kinds of uses! Pinterest works as a virtual bulletin board, letting you “pin” images from websites to your own online bulletin boards. As you visit fun sites and blogs about starting your school year off with a new look, you can “pin” some of your favorite photo ideas to your own Pinterest board and use them to refresh your memory and help you develop more ideas as you go along. You can read a good explanation of it here.

You can also use it for personal hobbies. For example, one of my goals is to learn how to quilt, and I’ve started my own Pinterest Quilt Board here. I also happen to be fascinated with stained glass windows, which I’m having fun collecting here!

Throughout all of my writing, I have always wished for a way to share some of the sights that I see while researching and developing books for your children. Pinterest allows me to do this, and I’m so excited about it! Here are a few of my favorites (so far). Please join in the fun and follow me as I keep pinning about what I’m writing:



Well, you get the picture. J

Please comment and let me know what you think!

Amanda B.


  1. Wow! You have some great stuff! I am now following you on Pinterest.

  2. Hi Amanda -

    I agree, Pinterest is amazing and probably my favorite social media idea. Thank you for linking to my blog.

  3. I'm on Pinterest and love it. Our brain uses pictures to remember things, it's logical that this kind of organization works!


  4. Love pinterest! Never thought of using it for homeschool. Thanks for pulling me out of my box.


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