Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Valuable Lessons of Teamwork

Can you believe it? Some of our children’s most lasting lessons had nothing to do with homeschooling! As parents, we stayed busy planning so many things in their lives—their spiritual and academic lessons, church activities, camp, family vacations, etc. But the lessons from sports were unexpected, indelible, and contributed so much to the adults that they are becoming. Whether football or baseball, swimming or soccer, the lessons aren’t just those involved in the outcome of the game.   

When they were old enough to become interested in sports (something that my husband and I knew nothing about), we weren’t exactly sure where softball and baseball would fit in with our plan. But where there’s a will, there’s a way, and off they went, to three different teams on three different fields, and there were only two parents. You know what I am talking about, I’m sure!   

Along the way, our kids had some amazing coaches, great times with new friends, and they learned the priceless lesson of teamwork. That’s such a simple concept, and you’d think that we had that one mastered, with three children and a slew of friends and cousins and neighbors. That’s not quite the same thing as having to work with 8 or 10 relative strangers to reach a common goal. They had to learn a whole new concept: “There is no ‘I’ in TEAM!” They had to compromise, negotiate, encourage, and oftentimes lead—all priceless skills as they move into adulthood.   


Amanda B.   

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