Thursday, August 4, 2011

Calling all Pizza Fans!

Pizza night is approaching  fast ...and we need to your help!

What should we put on our Pizza? 

Let's have some fun and see what everyone is eating on their pizzas!  Anybody want to share the strangest combination they've had?

Pizza night should be a Party!


  1. I remember my dad making homemade pizza for us with hotdogs when my mom was at work. He cut them in half and made designs with them. Our favorite was the "hotdog house" - we still talk about it many years later!

  2. Chicken and ranch dressing...sounds gross but it is sooo tasty!

  3. Oh and don't forget the cheese and green onions too!

  4. My family has enjoyed all kinds of ingredients! From zucchini to pepperoni, onion and all kinds of things from the garden, they are quite creative! I had a friend in college that used to order a special pizza, requesting a ham and pineapple pizza with an egg cracked over the middle of the pizza - weird, but interesting in taste. :)

  5. Even though fruit pizza is a little weird, I just love it! Kiwis, strawberries, bananas . . . what a treat.

  6. One my children request is cheese pizza without the sauce. We spread melted butter and garlic on the crust then top with cheese.

    I love pesto pizza - spread the crust with some green pesto sauce, cheese, and any veggies you wish.

    Hubby's favorite is bbq hawiian chicken - bbq sauce on the crust, then cheese, onions, and chicken.


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