Monday, August 29, 2011

Unit of the Week - Crunchy Cookies Download N Go

Many favorite childhood memories are formed around a mixing bowl and a cookie sheet full of warm treats. What is it about a warm, Crunchy Cookie that says “home”?

Over my years of motherhood, I have learned the power of home-baked cookies with my family. I discovered that some of the best thought-sharing and worry-calming conversations could be had around a platter of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies fresh from the oven. Just the smell of cookies wafting through the house brings a smile to each face as they come through the door. When they smell that aroma, it sends the message that all is well and Mom’s making cookies again!

Perhaps it is the great big bowl and taking turns at the mixing spoon that cement the experience, but cookie baking can form lifetime memories that extend to future generations. Even if you don’t have time to bake, kids still love to learn about cookies and form some cookie-sharing memories. One of my favorite childhood memories is of sitting with Mom at the kitchen table on cold winter afternoons, munching away on animal crackers and sipping hot tea carefully poured from the bright yellow teapot.

Choosing this topic for a Download N Go™ study was easy for me, since I have so many fun memories of childhood cookie baking with my mom, and later with my children. Each day, your child will explore and investigate, creating and adding more learning components to her Crunchy Cookies lapbook—building a wonderful reminder of all that she is learning to enjoy for years to come.

From gluten-free cookies to monster cookies, the range of tastes and ingredients is endless and always fun. I remember the Dutch windmill cookies that were a vacation Bible school staple—imagine my surprise to discover them again when researching for this study! With Crunchy Cookies, your student will learn about cookies and cookie entrepreneurs, along with the types of cookies and how cookies are made. She will learn how to make some of the Download N Go (DNG) team’s favorite cookies, learn about cookies from other countries, and find out why baking soda and baking powder
are important in the baking process. The finale is a big cookie party, to be enjoyed by one and all.

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