Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bottle Brushes and Life Lessons

Years ago, back when our kids were younger, I had my own collection of baby bottle brushes. No, not for bottles – but for cleaning hard-to-clean things like Mason jars, test tubes, and Lego pieces that got stuck in places that they shouldn’t have been, like chocolate cake or mashed potatoes. Oh, the places that they go, but that’s a story for a different day.

I recently discovered that somehow, over the years, the bottle brushes had gotten lost or tossed. I was trying to clean up some recently discovered wayward Lego people and pieces that I discovered in the basement. As a speaker at online events, I like to line the Lego people up on my laptop during online speeches, so that I have an audience to talk to – it’s awful to try to give a presentation to hundreds and hundreds of people and only have a screen to stare at!

Lesson learned – sometimes the tools of early childhood can be very useful later in life, so hang onto them! From action figures to bottle brushes, I am still learning. Heading out now to buy a set of baby bottle brushes. That should get everyone in town talking, and make my family wonder what I’m up to…

Amanda Bennett

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