Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pioneers and Science - Part 1

Remember the times that you spent playing make-believe pioneers or building forts in the backyard? What a thrill to try to build a fort from Dad's leftover lumber scraps, listen to all of the sounds of nature, and try to move "like an Indian" through the underbrush without cracking a twig! Remember the smell of the rain, freshly turned soil, honeysuckle in bloom? Many a child has spent countless hours at this kind of play in America, and this study allows the same type of creativity while focusing more closely on the details of the Pioneer era in our country.

The lives of the pioneers were less complicated in many ways. They made do with what they had, observed the beauty of nature, and encountered adventure and challenge on a daily basis. They experienced a different pace of life, where the most important things were the simplest things—food, water, shelter, sitting around the fire at night, reading the Bible together, sharing the day's excitements and difficulties, and looking forward to Sunday for their hard-earned day of rest. There are many valuable lessons to be learned from these people and times.

Pioneers - Unit Study Adventure covers the early expansion of our country from the thirteen colonies to the massive move westward along the Oregon Trail. This era was an exciting and challenging time for America, for both the government and the people. Some of the topics covered include:

·         Daily lives of the pioneers
·         Nineteenth century American history
·         Geography of the United States
·         Science through nature
·         North American Indians
·         Transportation in early America

Let's travel with them now, feeling their heart's desire to seek freedom and adventure. Take your children along to see the sights through the eyes of the pioneers, marvel at the beauty and intensity of God's world, smell the campfires and taste the trail food, and understand the excitement of finding their own "home place" at the end of the journey. Share these adventures with your children. Let them savor those days and learn to appreciate the history of this country, "one nation, under God." Enjoy the adventure!

Be sure to come back for "Pioneers and Science" - Part 2 to learn some great ideas to get the learning adventure going!

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