Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Cooperative Starts Today!

Good morning, friends! Welcome to our first Christmas unit study Facebook cooperative! Beginning today, we invite you to share your experiences as you use the USAB Christmas unit study. We'll be here to answer your questions and help along the way as we are working through the unit study with you! This co-op will include a daily prophecy that the Lord fulfilled, a counting of joys in this season, plus a Christmas carol/hymn, a Christmas activity link just for you, and more! 

Please feel free to post your questions, finds, ideas, and unit study pictures. Throughout the weekdays, we will be posting some tips and treasures, along with our insights and ideas. It is our prayer that this co-op effort will provide help, friendship, and fellowship for us all! The Christmas study always brings along some insights—realizations, ah-ha moments, and precious memories. 

Amanda B.

Here are Week One's Learning Objectives:

  • Recognizing the celebration of Christmas and what it means to the student
  • Learning more about the story of Christ‘s birth - specifically Mary and the events that occurred prior to Jesus‘ birth
  • Becoming familiar with the geography of the Middle East at the time of Jesus‘ birth
  • Developing an understanding of the observation of the Advent celebration

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