Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the second week of our Olympics 2012Facebook Co-op!

 Last week was quite a learning adventure at the London Olympics, as well as here on our Facebook gathering. There were some spectacular achievements and touching moments of firsts and finals for athletes Gabby Douglas, Oscar Pistorius, and Michael Phelps. One thing we have seen over and over again is that athletes who make it to the Olympics work hard, train hard, and give it everything they’ve got—they never quit.

The stories and testimonies of Christian athletes have spoken to our hearts and strengthened our faith. One of my favorite quotes so far was from Gabby Douglas when she won the gold medal: “I give all the glory to God. It’s kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to Him and the blessings fall down on me.”

This week, we are going to see some fantastic competition in areas like athletics, cycling, diving, and volleyball. We will meet many more athletes and hear their stories of trial, perseverance, and incredible effort—and their stories will stay with us for years to come. Through stories of country, culture, faith, and training, they will teach us about struggle and facing challenges.

Thanks for joining us as we continue our Olympics Co-op! I look forward to sharing and seeing what you discover and share in this coming week of the games.


 Amanda B.

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