Monday, July 23, 2012

Celebrate - All Year Long!

We are huge holiday fans here at the Bennett house. We gather together to prepare for and celebrate the holidays together, and the traditions that we've established add to the treasured meaning and memory of these very special days.

From jigsaw puzzles to Dad's baking sessions, flag flying to hand-carved nativity scenes, we have loved homeschooling through all of the holidays. This week, I am offering all of our holiday unit studies at very special savings to allow you to get ready for years of these special times at your house!

With these ten holiday unit studies, I believe that your family can enjoy these holidays and make some amazing memories for years to come! Here are the holiday titles and their sale prices:

Unit Study Adventures - K-12, 4 weeks
Sale Price $5
Thanksgiving , ChristmasPatriotic Holidays , Easter

Download N Go, K-4, 1 week
Sale Price $4

Valentine's Day, Easter Promise, Mother's DayFather's Day, Flag Day,
Independence Day 

Now, that's a big chunk of savings, just in time to take advantage of our Buy 10, Get 1 Free; Buy 15, Get 2 Free offer, your choice of units--including
Birthday Bonanza!

Holidays build great family traditions and memories, don't miss this opportunity to celebrate all year long!

Amanda B.


  1. I get an error msg when I click the links.

    1. Thanks so much for letting us know, Jen! We will get those updated. You can view them all at this link -


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