Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Thanksgiving and Modeling Clay and So Much More

Best homeschooling memories ever? That is always such a tough question for me! Over the years, we have made so many fun and memorable discoveries together, and the holidays are at the heart of some of our favorite memories. Here at the Bennett house, the holidays are anticipated and enjoyed with family and friends and were a part of our homeschooling days every year.

My first holiday unit study was for Thanksgiving, and it was written just for our children many years ago. I was planning to take the month of November off to dive into the meaning of this holiday with them, as well as take some time to get ready for a big family gathering for the holiday itself.

Let’s just say that the whole ide
a was a huge hit, and we celebrated and studied Thanksgiving the same way every year after that. I will never forget the looks on their faces when I pulled out those packs of modeling clay from the local dollar store and told them to build a model of Plymouth Plantation for the kitchen table centerpiece. It became a huge endeavor that we all enjoyed, and we learned so much from that activity. Who knew fishing poles could be made from modeling clay? :)

So we have gathered together over the years to study the Pilgrims, the Wampanoag, Miles Standish, William Bradford, and many others. We learned about the hardships the Pilgrims they faced that first winter and their willingness to share what they had. So many dinner table conversations were touched with what they learned, and our holidays have been so much more meaningful because of the lessons.

Enjoy the holidays, and use them as a time for learning, loving, and building your own family traditions and foundation. It is time you won’t regret spending—time that you can’t get back again once it has passed.


Amanda B.

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