Honest: Upright; just; fair in dealing with others.

Looking up the definition for “honest,” I find words that only begin to describe our heavenly Father. He tells us
His truths in His Word, and
expects us to be honest, as well. We all want honesty, and
we teach our children the importance of honesty, over and over again. What a
great example God provided with twelve-year-old Jesus’ honest reply to Mary when she found Him in the temple after a three-day search:
“Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49)
PS. In these weeks before Easter, my blog posts are focusing on a word describing God that begins with a letter from the word HOPE - this week's letter is H. Come join the celebration at our Easter Facebook co-op!
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