Friday, December 1, 2006

Today's the Day! The Nativity Story Opens Today!

"Acclaimed as a spiritual masterpiece, THE NATIVITY STORY releases TODAY. This life-changing motion picture event just had a groundbreaking world premiere at The Vatican and the interest and momentum continues to grow.


Please take a little extra time this weekend and join your family and friends in celebrating the true meaning of Christmas with THE NATIVITY STORY. It could be the best thing you do all season!


"The Nativity Story is THE movie to see this Christmas."
--Gordon Robertson, 700 Club/Christian Broadcasting Network


"It is truly a Christams love story that will change the lives of those who see it!"
--Willie Daniels, Sheridan Gospel Network


"God's hand is on this movie. When I finished watching was just overwhelming to me, the tenderness and beauty of it. The tears came down my cheeks. I couldn't speak."
--Anne Graham Lotz, AnGeL Ministries"



Amanda B.


1 comment:

  1. We are looking forward to seeing this film! I'm not sure when it will happen yet but I know our older kids would love to see it too. It looks great!


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