Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Questions about Heaven - Kids AND Parents!


Last night I began reading "90 Minutes in Heaven" and could NOT stop reading until I finished it in the wee hours this morning. I had heard about this book from so many people -- something that I just "had" to read, so popular that WalMart is stocking it, a book that says so much to our hearts and minds about heaven...

The book is by Don Piper (pastor) and Cec Murphy (great Christian writer), and available in paperback. It is the story of Don's auto accident and what happened in the 90 minutes when he was declared officially dead -- an amazing heart-wrenching story that ultimately answers so many questions about Heaven and much more.

If your children are like mine, they have many questions about Heaven. What a gift full of answers for the whole family. I'm getting my family to read it, took a copy to a friend that just lost her grandmother, and I got a copy for my mom who is beginning to wonder more about Heaven as she gets older, so I can keep mine here
by my side.

This is the book that everyone should have that has lost a loved one, for folks and their families facing cancer or other problems, for anyone facing a tough time in their faith walk, and on and on.

Having had my own interesting experience when we were hit head-on by a drunk driver, you cannot imagine how comforting it was to read about his experience and his recovery from a horrific accident. I read some of it aloud to my husband last night, and we were so touched by what was said. As I am writing my own story of 23 surgeries after 2 accidents, God has used this book to help me better understand why some of the things happened the way they did, and how our reactions were typical as we adjusted to a "new normal."

OK, enough - I just wanted to let you know that if you or your children or spouse or parents have questions about Heaven, this is the first book that I've read that is a perfect fit.

Here's the link, in case you want to learn more:
90 Minutes in Heaven

Amanda B.

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