Thursday, February 26, 2009

Axing the Guilt for Moms

Enjoy this article on axing the guilt by Tricia Goyer - an important message not just for WAHMs:

Hope this helps,
Amanda B.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Because I Said So - what a great story!

For those of you that happened to read about one mom's ebay description (Dawn Meehan) that caused laughter around the Internet - good news! First, here's her ebay description again, if you need a good laugh:

EBay Auction to Remember

The great news is that she has a book coming out in April called Because I Said So published by Ideals Publications. The book sounds like a winner - I can't wait to read it!

Dawn sounds like someone that I would can relate to, oh so well, from the grocery store episode to just being a mom. Check out her blog and enjoy a good laugh, one mom to another.

Amanda B.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Last day of Gardens Unit Study special and chocolate...

Hope that you are enjoying a fun Valentines Day. My husband, bless his heart, loves to cook things like fudge and divinity and all things sweet. He has been busy making his secret-recipe best-in-the-world chocolate fudge and is now moving on to try to make Chocolate Divinity - want to come over and join in my sucrose coma? :-)

I wanted to let you know that today is the last day of the Gardens study special, just in case you were interested:

Who needs coffee when you've got chocolate?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Football and Physics and Fun!

For those of you with avid football fans that like to pursue interests with a unit study approach:

How the Physics of Football Works

Football Physics in one-minute clips from a Nebraska Cornhuskers professor

What Does Physics have to do with Football from the University of Tennessee

Football Physics: The Anatomy of a Hit

History of Football

History of American Football

Pro Football Hall of Fame Super Bowl

There, that ought to help with a bit of learning while having lots of fun. Enjoy the game!

Amanda B.