Friday, February 9, 2007

Only 2 more days for Space Unit Study preorder price!

Check this out - the new Space Unit Study is available for a limited
time at a very special preorder price:

It's going to be an exciting month - stay tuned!

Amanda B.


Watch for Saturn tonight!

Don't forget -- the preorder sale price on the new Space Unit Study is only good through Sunday, February 11th!

From my daily update from"Space Weather News for Feb. 9, 2007


SATURN AT ITS BEST:  This weekend Saturn will be at its closest to Earth for all of 2007.  The planet rises in the east at sunset and soars nearly overhead at midnight.  To the naked eye, Saturn resembles a bright yellow star. Through a backyard telescope, it materializes as a spectacular ring world. Even small telescopes yield pleasing views. Take a look!"

Amanda B.