Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tea Time Memories

When I was a child, my mother had a bright and sunny yellow teapot that was very special. When she brought that teapot down from the top shelf, we knew that we were in for a treat. 
At Christmastime, she would fill it with hot Russian tea, pile a plate with cookies, and set out her favorite tea cups. We would sip tea and make clove-covered oranges, paper chains, string popcorn, and more, filling the room with great smells and plenty of laughter.
Mom worked hard at several jobs, and time with her was precious. We knew that when that bright yellow teapot was on the table, it was a special time of sharing and togetherness.
Perhaps it's time to insert a few "stopping points" in your busy days to create some special moments - for reading, tea sipping, and story sharing? These are the moments that they'll remember and pass along to future generations. Enjoy these days! 


Amanda B.


  1. thank you Amanda. Yes, yes yes we all need that reminder to stop in the midst of our business and create some special moments....I am SO going to take down my own bright yellow tea pot with white polka dots and make tea! Love it!

  2. Thanks, Anna! I hope that you did take a moment to take down that beautiful tea pot and make some memories. Love the "bright yellow tea pot with polka dots" - sounds perfect! :)
    Amanda B.


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