Friday, September 14, 2012

Views from My Rearview Mirror - Part Four

It’s been great to share and talk about homeschooling helps and perspectives over these past few weeks. Now, try to relax, take a deep breath, and remember that you are not alone. To better focus your efforts, consider:

·         Where are you starting from and where are you going?

·         What would you like to do with this opportunity?

·         What would you like the finished product, your educated child, to be like?

·         What should they know?

·         What should they value?

·         What should they think of themselves and of others?

How can you reach your educational goals? I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember much of anything that I learned from textbooks used in my many years of education. Instead, I remember the people who took time to help me grow and wonder and question, stretching my imagination and challenging my abilities.

Our children are going to remember the time we spend with them—the time we listen, the time we encourage, and the moral support we offer as they test their wings and ideas, and begin moving on their dreams. Now that’s an education!

Enjoy this great adventure, and thanks for being a part of this series!


Amanda B.

Did you miss Part One or Part Two , Part Three  - you can read them now.

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