Thursday, August 18, 2011

Funny Memories and Size 17 Cleats

Dear Friends,

As we prepare to move our youngest son to college in just a few days, I am thinking back over just how quickly time has gone and how much fun we've had over the years that he's played baseball. Here are a few of our favorite funny moments . . .

The first time one of the local moms in the bleachers learned that our son had to wash his own uniform, she was so upset with me. I had to laugh when I heard her mutter that homeschool moms sure are tough. :) Not tough—we just have great expectations!

Then there was the time that scouts were at a big high school tournament, and our son entertained the entire dugout as he showed off his juggling skills. Everyone in the stadium could see the show and I'm pretty sure that it was quite impressive to the scouts! :) I have to say, we were laughing with all of the other folks in the stadium, and enjoyed the show!
And there was the time our homeschool high school baseball team went to Texas to play in the regional tournament, and the parents decided to take the players to a local mall to let them stretch their legs and have some fun. In the middle of their mall-walking adventure, my husband started taking pictures of the kids having fun in the mall and was confronted by mall security. They were upset that he was taking pictures in the mall and he almost got thrown out! I can just imagine the headlines now . . .

During that same tournament, I received a frantic call about our son's cleats. They had torn open during a game, and he and his dad didn't know what to do. Realize that I was over a thousand miles away, speaking at a homeschool convention, and of course the call came right before I went on stage. My recommendation was for them to go find some duct tape, since it can fix anything. You might be wondering why they didn't just go buy another pair of cleats. Because size 17 cleats have to be special ordered—you can't pick them up at Walmart. The duct tape worked! 

So many great memories for our family, and to think that about ten years ago, we knew NOTHING about baseball! We were a football kind of family, but God had other things in mind, thank goodness. Our son is heading off to college to major in computer science and play baseball, and we are getting ready to cheer for a new team. One of the best things about this new phase of his life is that the college now buys his baseball cleats!  :)

Enjoy these days of football, baseball, soccer, or whatever sports or passions your children find to follow! The lessons learned and sweet memories made along the way are priceless and will last a lifetime.
 Amanda B.

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