Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Olympic globes and bowling!

For those of you with younger students - keep an eye out for inexpensive world globes at garage sales and thrift shops this week and through the weekend. I learned to do this when we first began studying the Olympics - most of ours were purchased for under $1 each. I made sure that we had many globes, so that each child had one of their own to find the country that was competing or being studied, and could see where it was relative to our town. Visual learning is a favorite tool of mine!

However, I learned a powerful lesson about kids and geography and their creativity when I discovered that the children had learned to carefully take each globe out of their stands and use them as bowling balls in the long hall with a set of plastic bowling pins. Imagine - "I got that pin with Australia" or "there goes Africa!" :-) I have learned so much while homeschooling!

Amanda B.

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